Usage statistics (through April 2009)

Since the launch of the site on September 2008 through April 2009, the Rose team has noted the following usage statistics:

  • 16,331 visits from 119 different countries or territories
  • The top five countries represented (in order): United States, France, United Kingdom, Canada, Spain
  • 12,852 absolute unique visitors
  • 21% of these visitors have returned to the site
  • 357 of these visitors have used the site 9-14 times
  • 254 of these visitors have used the site 15-25 times
  • 105 of these visitors have used the site 26-50 times
  • 63 of these visitors have used the site 51-100 times
  • 763 of these visits lasted between 10-30 minutes
  • 182 of these visits lasted over 30 minutes

We have recently augmented the Google Analytics so that we can now track usage of individual manuscripts and folios. As we gather these data, we will report them to the blog.