Usage statistics (January 2009)

For the first four months of the Roman de la Rose Digital Library (through December 31, 2008), we have noted the following usage statistics:

  • 5,373 visits from 89 different countries or territories
  • The top five countries represented (in order): United States, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Canada
  • 4,108 absolute unique visitors
  • 24% of these visitors have returned to the site
  • 124 of these visitors have used the site 9-14 times
  • 52 of these visitors have used the site 15-25 times
  • 268 of these visits lasted between 10-30 minutes
  • 36 of these visits lasted over 30 minutes

We have received the images for 11 new manuscripts from the Bibliothèque nationale de France system which will be added soon to the Digital Library.