Usage statistics (November 2008)

Following the first two months of the Roman de la Rose Digital Library, we have noted the following usage statistics:

  • 2,056 visits from 72 different countries or territories
  • The top five countries represented (in order): United States, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany
  • 1,500 absolute unique visitors
  • 28% of these visitors have returned to the site
  • 68 of these visitors have used the site 9-14 times
  • 38 of these visitors have used the site 15-25 times
  • 103 of these visits lasted between 10-30 minutes
  • 20 of these visits lasted over 30 minutes

We have heard directly from two scholars who are using the Roman de la Rose Digital Library for teaching or research purposes. We are launching a survey in November as part of our effort to develop the Roman de la Rose membership society. We hope that you will join our growing community.