Following are usage statistics for the Roman de la Rose Digital Library for both the current month and cumulative statistics since September 2008.
Usage statistics for the period May 1-31, 2011:
1,738 visits from 71 different countries or territories
The top five countries represented (in order): United States, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy
1,213 absolute unique visitors
41% of these visitors have returned to the site
76 of these visitors have used the site 9-14 times
64 of these visitors have used the site 15-25 times
95 of these visitors have used the site 26-50 times
64 of these visitors have used the site 51-100 times
38 of these visitors have used the site 101-200 times
26 of these visitors have used the site more than 200 times
151 of these visits lasted between 10-30 minutes
144 of these visits lasted over 30 minutes
Since the launch of the site on September 2008 through May 31, 2011, the Rose team has noted the following usage statistics:
53,696 visits from 153 different countries or territories
The top five countries represented (in order): United States, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Canada
35,936 absolute unique visitors
34% of these visitors have returned to the site
1,614 of these visitors have used the site 9-14 times
1,469 of these visitors have used the site 15-25 times
1,272 of these visitors have used the site 26-50 times
1,096 of these visitors have used the site 51-100 times
1,090 of these visitors have used the site 101-200 times
1,401 of these visitors have used the site more than 200 times
3,933 of these visits lasted between 10-30 minutes
2,816 of these visits lasted over 30 minutes